The Kinship of Catholics & Jews is a 30 minute weekly radio program that promotes the shared values of Christians and Jews. The program is sponsored by the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies and is moderated by the Institute’s director, Father Lawrence E. Frizzell, D.Phil.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Father Lawrence E. Frizzell and Monsignor John A. Radano, Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology in the School of Theology at Seton Hall University, discuss the significance of the document, "Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World: Recommendations for Conduct," which was released in 2011 by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID) of the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) after five years of work.